Donnerstag, 17. Februar 2011

I have to say everyone that in the novel there is character being called "Tobias". He is presented as a beautiful  part-time model. From the first  moment he is mentioned in the novel i liked this character.

I think the first part of the book demonstrates the adolescence and their lifestyle, of today. They don't really care about school and their acceptance for the colleges, they only want to go on partys and spend time with their friends. They also show their affection to girls and stuff like that.
I only recognize that contact with drugs is more mentioned in the book than in our society for example.

3 Kommentare:

  1. Dieser Kommentar wurde vom Autor entfernt.

  2. Are you sure you read the same book as we read? I don't read anything about an character named Tobias. ^^ But yes, I share your opinion about the drugs!

  3. Of course i read the same book because this can be proved on page 39 line 9...I think you have to read this page again Flo;)
    So i disprove your opinion about the lack of the character Tobias.
